Roaming through a wasteland, swimming through...
Reaching for a helping hand, that just isn't there...
Silver needle driving deeper,
Ink expanding like a creeper...
Oh my god, it just won't come
The words just will not flow...
The darkness in this place enfolds
As each sweet tendril shapes and moulds...
I look deep into the glass and right there you...
Arm outstretched in kindness, offering your hand...
As Darkness falls, so flees all light
Hark, the whisper of the night...
Life in every single breath, joy in every sound
For these things I've searched my life, but have...
Submission (Mindset)
An extension of desire, no will to call your own...
With love I'll fight forever on
Struggle through night towards the dawn...
Tears sprung deep from tortured heart
Fall freely in this, my world apart...
What I've feared has come to pass
As I hoped it never would...
Sharpened chisel of cold steel
Each thrust enforcing how I feel...