Poems by M MEM

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  • I walked through the doors,
    Pulled out the gun...

  • Broken promises
    Broken bones...

  • A smile
    Passing by...

  • When the memory still exists in the present,
    And you can walk into two rooms...

  • We were sobbing,
    Tears just kept coming and coming...

  • Look at what we had,
    So much...

  • When you see my face,
    It's only a mask...

  • You will never understand,
    The fury at myself...

  • Are you still happy I am here?
    Do I still make you smile...

  • You never cease to amaze me,
    Even in my darkest hour...

  • With each day,
    I was taking another step...

  • Tears help back,
    Smiles forced from frowns...