Quotes by Marine Wife

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  • Just because her eyes don’t tear.. d o e s n ‘ t mean her heart;;doesn’t cry & just because she comes off strong doesn’t mean there’s something wrong

    18 years ago
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  • & the more guys i meet
    the more i realize that
    i only want to be with you.

    18 years ago
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  • There are moments in my life that i will
    always remember. not because they
    were important..but because you were there

    18 years ago
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  • I know you can't be here but, just think of me
    considering all the things that have went wrong in the past
    thinking of the tears still to drown in
    you know how bent and broken you left me
    and i'm still waiting here for it again

    18 years ago
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  • & she didn't know it at the time..
    but she was falling in love.. just to fall apart

    18 years ago
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  • The world is going to throw us a million
    reasons why this isn't going to work out
    between us. but im armed with [ o n e ]reason why it will --- i love you.

    18 years ago
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  • Teardrops fall from those pretty little eyes, kind of hard to move on when you only told lies. She's breaking down, everyone's fading, it's been so long and she's tired of waiting

    18 years ago
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  • Let them say we`re crazy, what do they know?
    just put your arms around me baby, don`t ever let go.
    let the world around us just fall apart.
    baby, we can make it, if we`re heart to heart

    18 years ago
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  • People ask me if i believe
    in a forever; i just laugh
    because the way my life is
    going right now, i don't
    even believe in a tomorrow

    18 years ago
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  • And She Saves His Voicemail
    So Whenever Shes Lonely
    She can still here his voice

    18 years ago
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