7pm a summerâ??s night
It was raining and storming...
She was born 3 pounds 6 ounces to small
They took her away, down the hall...
Our friendship was deep.
It was something sweet...
Death is scary. Death is sad.
But if you think about it, is it all that bad...
You have to learn how to let go of your deepest...
You often feel pain, where you just want to scream...
Best Friends till the end
we are deeper than are very own skin...
Late at night
alone in her room...
If i could fly
i would help others...
She hated taking pills of any kind.
now shes in a bind...
.:One Last Word:.
Ever since the first time I saw you I knew...
Parents think they know...
All I want to do is go shopping.
I could get music, beans, and even ice cream...