Once upon a time i hold my hands up,
i did love you i swear it was true...
Her converse still lay at your bedside,
cigerette butts with her lipstick mark...
I wonder were you are now?
i wonder what youve done and seen...
i talked to him the other day first time in years...
She stood there holding a delicate rose,
standing outside in the pouring rain...
Tears gleamed down his face,
as he watched his soul mate fade...
We fought so hard.
tooth,nail and skin reside within eachother...
I'm sorry i let the anger get in the way,
and i ignored the things you wanted to say...
I'm scared someday my thoughts will decay into...
& i will forget you...
What would you do?
what would you say...
I should be used to it by now,
Ive cried these tears all before...
I remember on your birthday,
I sat beside your crumbling headstone...