I will admit im not a poet, I'm a football player, a baseball player, I sing, i act, it's hard in my life to find people to trust, and being a sports player i need somewhere to let my feelings go. So i trust all of you with the words i speak, trust that you'll listen and understand. I don't write for praise, for glory, I write for how I feel, I write with passion. Feel free to get to know me if you so choose, for if you're willing to know me, then I am certainly willing to know you. my AIM is Marinerscatch7 or just send me a private message. Its hard to trust ne one when your hearts been broke so many times. So someone prove me wrong. Prove to me th\ere is a genuinly good person out there. |
Tell me my feelings are worth just one chance...
If things weren't so different where would we be...
There's more to life than what meet's the mind |
Do not hear, listen, do not know, feel, do not speak with your mouth but speak with your mind, for love is not just observation, it's every little detail |