Quotes by Kristen

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  • L i f e «-- always isn't the same
    sometimes there is c r y i n g --»
    s o m e t i m e s there is anger
    and sometimes there is pure
    * h a p p i n e s s *

    19 years ago
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  • I\'m so tired of fighting. I\'m so tired of trying. When does life get easy? When does it head downhill? My life is pulling me down, it\'s like I\'m drowning... But my body is so tired, and the shore is nowhere in sight

    19 years ago
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  • What sucks About, having A big Crush;
    is It being On your;

    That is a quote that i made cuz i have a crush on my guy friend.
    comment please!

    19 years ago
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