Ever wondered why there's a space between your fingers?... so that another's could fill them. |
A shadow is something that fallows you everywhere, always there with you but some say its unfaitful cuz it leaves you in the time of darkness, yet the only difference is that you don't see it, but it doesn't mean its not there |
SomEtImeS iTs Hard tO LoVe sOmeOne, jusT beCaUSe YouR so afraId oF loOsInG tHEm. |
We DiE oNCe... yEt SinCe YoU LeFt I dIe eVery sEcoNd wAiTiNg FoR yOUr ReTUrN. |
Once Apon a time... you were mine, thats when i had felt happiness but since you left, i'm surrounded by darkness. |
IF thEre iS nO sUCh thInG aS pErfeCtIon, You Are The CLoseST thIng ThaTs NEar PerFEct. |
ForGEtting SomEoNe YoU LOve, is LiKE remEmBeRinG sOMeoNE yOu nEveR kNew. |
Even when I pour my heart out to you, I'm not sure it shows, that I love you more than you'll ever know. |
WheN it rAins, yOu Know tHAt soMeoNE, SOmewHEre is cRyING a Loss, and the sky Is CryINg aLong. |
My heart longs for you, my soul dies for you, my eyes cry for you, my empty arms reach out for you...Why don't you understand? |