Its the times we're so crazy, that ppl think we're high. Its the times we laugh so hard, we cant help but cry.Its all the inside jokes and |
Sometimes the one that looks the cazziest, the happiest, looks as if he/she has no worries at all, is usually the one with the most sorrow of them all. |
TheY say NOtHiNg Is ImPOsiBLe, what about growing back a lost leg? Reviving a dead person? I guess what they mean to say is keep trying...believe nothing is impossible and ull make it possible. |
There is no end to knowledge, everyday you learn something new... theres always space for improvement that is why there is no such thing as perfection. |
ThE hiGheR you climb on lovez ladder...the harder you fall. |
If this world were a perfect place...what would we compare heaven to? |
Laugh your heart out, Dance in the rain, Cherish the memories, ignore the pain. L0VE&LEARN forget and forgive because remember you only have |
Trust... it can take years to build up yet seconds to brake down, but the most difficult of it all is keeping it alive. |
The greatest ironies of life: having the right person at the wrong time, having the wrong person when the time is right, and finding out that you love someone after that person walks out of your sight .... |
Its funny how the one's that are always reaching out to help others, always helping them, giving them advice, making them smile...are the ones who hold the most sorrow of all. |