Poems by John (Mr. Whuppy)

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  • Work work work for fifty years
    blood and sweat and many tears...

  • Why?? (11)

    Why does heartache affect the heart?
    When the thoughts are in your head...

  • Sir what time do we go over the hill
    be quiet soldier keep very still...

  • What is time is it part of the day
    or is it the time that we live in...

  • I didn't know whether to put this in poems about...
    Do you believe in Re-birth...

  • If the sun rises in the east
    and sinks in the west which way does the earth...

  • Wake up to it And when you are alive
    I will join you in your quest for enjoyment...

  • War (5)

    The wars are still around us
    Soldiers fight on soil...

  • What's a Dad
    I wish my kids would understand...

  • I switched on my laptop
    and what did I find...

  • A long distance runner doesn't have to run fast
    But he needs the energy to last and last...

  • Limbo (3)

    Ive just lost my mom as most of you know...