Poems by k i k i

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  • She hates this world,
    For no reason...

  • Held by the hands that helped
    To create me, and who I will...

  • Two people, boy and girl with a
    Friendship so strong...

  • Puppet (5)

    Pull the strings tighter than before,
    Tie off the loose ends...

  • Childhood memories, you and me,
    Two young girls waiting to shine...

  • Here is an attempt of a poem without the letter...

  • A swipe of the marker,
    Imprint, a picture of me...

  • Screeching breaks,
    Winding road...

  • Friend,
    I'm so thankful that you're my buddy, my friend...

  • Under the shining light,
    The evidence, it’s unique...

  • A Cure (4)

    Searching the nation for the cure,
    The answers to fight them off...

  • Time has flown by so fast,
    With so many laughs and memories to keep in mind...