Poems by k i k i

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  • Holding on to you,
    Hoping that you'll pull through...

  • Once I knew the way that you thoughts,
    But now it seems I never knew you...

  • Skin peeling back, sound of hysteria,
    I have nowhere to run to...

  • Scraps and disguised cuts on my arm,
    Part of the new construction, me...

  • Come and past, never know any difference,
    I never saw you smile anyway...

  • I'm repeating history,
    Same things keep putting me back, always...

  • Treat me just the same
    As all the other girls queuing to win you...

  • Haze (1)

    In a grey, dirty haze,
    So misty and cold, I heed to be strong...

  • Too deep, I got to change my sense of time
    And get back on shore...

  • Can't return me back to where I came from,
    An antique and there's nothing like me...

  • Swimming in unknown seas,
    Beautiful creations, why can't I be one...

  • Proud of the scars that you cut in me,
    But now I have to live with them...