Quotes by Kenzie

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  • Sometimes I wonder How this Happened to me...
    How did Something so Right turn out to be so Wrong?

    (C) Kenzie Farrer

    17 years ago
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  • He's the Type of Boy you should Never Fall For, and yet the One You Always Do...

    (C) Kenzie Farrer

    17 years ago
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  • && I should have Known, with how Many Times You Told me to Trust You, it was only because You Knew I really Shouldn't Have...

    (C) Kenzie Farrer

    17 years ago
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  • && it's always the stupid ~Little Boys~ {P R E T E N D I N G} to be Men that Hurt You the Most...

    (C) Kenzie Farrer

    17 years ago
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  • And She Knew Full Well when She Decided to Play this Game with Him it couldn't End Well... She just didn't Think it would Hurt This Bad...

    (C) Kenzie Farrer

    17 years ago
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  • She's so Tired of Being Strong,
    So Tired of Everyone Thinking Nothings Wrong...

    (C) Kenzie Farrer

    17 years ago
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  • Don't Sit there and Tell me Everything will be all Right when You're the One who did This to me, the One W.I.T.H.O.U.T a Broken Heart.

    (C) Kenzie Farrer

    17 years ago
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  • You sit and wonder how I can be so Cold
    When the Truth is
    You helped make me this way...

    (C) Kenzie Farrer

    17 years ago
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  • One Day You'll See...
    I'm not as Broken as You Think,
    I'm not as Pathetic as You Believe,
    && I'm not as Useless as You Wish...

    (C) Kenzie Farrer

    17 years ago
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  • && I Hope the Nightmares
    Haunt You, like they Haunt me...
    I Hope the Memories Kill You,
    Like they're Killing me...
    But I don't want You to Feel
    All that I've Felt...
    Even You shouldn't have to Live Through that...

    (C) Kenzie Farrer

    17 years ago
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