THe pers0n who maDe u crY iS EXACTLY the saMe pers0n wh0 caN st0p u fr0m cryiNG |
It's eAsieR t0 leaVE s0me1 than bEinG LeFt... but whaT can wE d0 iF we're n0t reaLLY f0r eaCh 0theR?! s0me1 has t0 LeaVe anD s0me1 haS t0 cRy.. LikE what y0u diD t0 mE, remEmBeR?! |
A girL was veRy saD c0z she knEW thaT thE guY sHe L0vEd didnT L0vE heR baCK. years LaTEr, shE saW thE guy caRRyinG his daughTer shE askEd "what's her name?" hE smiLed anD saiD "samE aS y0urs" |
H0w d0 i say g0odbyE t0 s0me0ne i neveR haD?! why d0 tears faLL f0r s0me0ne wh0 was never minE?! why's that i miSs s0me0ne wh0 was i nevEr w/?! aNd may i aSk why i L0Ve s0me0nE wh0sE L0ve was nevEr minE?! |
ITs reaLLy 0k iF u caNt L0vE mE 0r eVen tHinK 0f mE iM n0t aSKing y0u t0. iTs reaLLy 0k w/ mE c0z whAt i t0Ld y0u waS iL0vey0u n0t L0vEmet0o |
...&& I'll whisper to your ear... |
His lies were too perfect; |
We started as stragers; |
It's always easy to say 'I love you' to someone even without showing it. |
Sometimes we need to forget about the people from our past because there must have been a good reason why didn't they make it to our future ): |