To give up on love, is to give up on life, because without love in your life, your existence is pointless, because your whole life you search for that love, don't learn from trials, when you have it keep it and never let it go |
If love was a $100 bill on the ground, I would pick it up, but I would give it to someone that needed it more than me, for that person could then share it, and then two people could embrace something that before only one could enjoy |
To play games with love is to just like trying to dodge a bullet. You can’t |
With no one to care for me, what will I do, I think I will simply care for myself and care for the person who cannot care for me, for I am a bigger person and can always in the end forgive but not forget, |
It is raining, raining small beads of water, water infused with salt, this salt water flows down from above, god is not the one who is making this rain, but a crack in my heart, a painful crack, love once again has broke me |
To believe in heaven or hell is like peanut butter and jelly, can’t have one without the other |
It is not what you do in life, but who you are |
When the end is near, whether your life or love, one doesnt think about what is going to happen or when it will happen. One thinks about the begining and how things ended up they way they are now. |