Poems by Tricia

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  • I see a girl who wants to be happy,
    All she wants is love...

  • We were having so much fun,
    Thought we could take on the world...

  • I remember my first love,
    He was wonderful like a dove...

  • I was walking dowm the street one day,
    And saw a woman with a rose...

  • Knives with dripping blood,
    Punctured flesh wet with redness...

  • Crying in the night,
    Not saying what is wrong...

  • Big brown eyes,
    Light brown hair...

  • I can't take anymore,
    Everything is worse than before...

  • Apparently you don't know the trouble you have...
    Seems you have no idea how I turned out...

  • Running freely through my thoughts,
    Stopping once to see the wave...

  • Can you see me looking at you?
    I can see you looking at me...

  • We fight,
    We yell...