Poems by xLongxXxLostx

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  • Kiss (1)

    Kiss the bullet,
    that goesin the gun...

  • **Found this somewhere, this is not...
    (Note*: And now, I feel so tired.... and not just...

  • Some live life in a closed shell
    wondering what to do...

  • I can feel I don't belong here.
    There is always something pulling...

  • My mind is throbbing and my hands shaking cold.
    The hours pass quickly as I'm growing old...

  • ~Dedicated to those in memories of my past.
    Felipe, Docky, Ashley, Valerie, and Jade...

  • Him and I made a mistake.
    That no one could ever know...

  • Picture to explain poem...

  • \"You really have changed...\"
    Your words echo through my mind...

  • Ive seen the cuts you\'ve been trying to hide
    Why is it, Mother, that you want to die...

  • This person isnt me,
    Im not being who I am...

  • When there is nothing left to do
    but sit idly by...