Poems by Brittney Follett

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  • Through her tears
    And through her heart...

  • I love you so much
    And I know that's true...

  • How can you help me,
    If I'm drowning on air...

  • It's Never Too Late
    To save a life...

  • Woe (5)

    Woe unto her who died by Cupid...

  • She walks through your halls,
    The halls in your mind...

  • I'm trying to walk when you make me crawl.
    Drooling over the phone, waiting for your call...

  • I see you everyday.
    But do I know you...

  • I love you so much,
    And I know you love me...

  • Another day inside this hell.
    I'm tired of waiting for the bell...

  • It's kinda funny really, I was sitting in art and...

  • Chaotic Mind
    Silent screams and unshed tears...