She told him she was AFRAiD OF FALLiNG |
You know you're in love when you think about him more times a day than you think about y o u r s e l f |
When you see him walking with his girl, you don't get mad, you pitly him because you're thinking *I'm BETTER!* |
Be happy with what you have in your arms, one day you may be left holding emptiness...What if i'm not holding anything now? |
I know i;ve made mistakes...but just give me a break and see the changes i have made...I've got some imperfections...but how can you collect them all and throw them in my face? |
-~->A million *words won't bring you back...i know because i've {tried} |
Don't you ever wonder why you're never {good enough} for anyone? |
The word WHY can mean a million different things.... |
You can't see 'them together' - |
[He] [Just] [Doesn't] [Realize] [How] [Much] [He] [Means] [to] [me] [and] [how] [i] [would] [die] [to] [be] [in] [his] [arms] |