Y0o thiNk hE'z diFFeReNt 2 eVeRy0Ne elSe but eVeRy0Ne elsE iz juSt diFfErenT 2 hiM n s0 aM i |
IM 0veR iT All thE pAiN d0ezn't hurt anym0re c0z im just numb |
I nEveR sEd iT wAs MeAn oF y0o 2 liKe 2 pE0PLe nD tHe ThiNg iZ i ReALLy d0nT cArE wHaT Pe0pLe thiNk aNyM0re nD i DnT HaVe 2 pr0vE aNytHiNg 2 AnY1 |
Maybe one day this dream will come true and all y0o'll d0 is l0ve me t0o |
Tell me what i ever did, tell me why he makes you happy nD i dont |
Please tell me why im not good enough for you |
Y0o write p0ems ab0ut s0me1 else n0w nD im just left trying 2 understand |
Everythiing i th0ught we had was a lie |
Y0o say y0o d0nt l0ve him but i n0 y0o d0, i tried 2 make y0o feel special but its never g0od en0ugh |
&& whaT wAs i 2 y0o?? n0thinG c0z y0o f0unD s0me1 knEw |