N0thing iz m0re painful than realizing that he/she meant EVERYTHING 2 u and y0o meant NOTHING 2 him/her |
Trying to forget someone y0o love is like trying to remember s0me1 y0o never knew |
Y0o help me uP just 2 push me d0wn again |
My mind teLLz me 2 give up but my heart wont let me! |
I guess getting your heart broken is a unwritten rule of love |
Missing you isn't what hurts, its kn0wing that i 0nce had y0o that kiLLz me |
I n0 it may be hard t0 l0ve me but c0uld y0o try anyway?? |
I wish upon anything and everything to have y0o back in my arms! |
L0ve iz giving s0me1 the p0wer t0 break y0ur heart but trusting them n0t t0o! |
Can y0o please breath 0ut? s0 i can breath y0o in |