My head is giving me life or death but i cant seem 2 choose.... |
Theres a whole where my heart should be.... |
How can i be mad at y0o...if im the one 2 blame? |
When people don't express themselves, they die one piece at a time... |
Y0o said y0o would never leave me....Liar |
This girl was waiting on y0ur lie and now y0o wonder why she commited suicide... |
I look at the keyboard and see that U AND I r always 2gether |
Tell me why i lost y0o |
WHy d0 i bother putting on mascarra if your only going to make me cry it all off? |
YEa JuSt fUkIn WaLk aWaY.... LiKe y0o AlWaYz d0! |