Quotes by b r i d g e t

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  • Can u taste my sickness?
    can u see the darkness cloud my eyes?
    can u feel my body crippled with pain...
    nothings ever going to be the same

    17 years ago
    0 0
  • An identical handwritten script
    blatant diluted eyes
    a mirror image of ure past...
    were do u run to so far hunny...
    am i just ure past catching up on u...

    17 years ago
    0 0
  • And you tried to pretend
    that every look and word he spoke meant so much more...
    but as u begin to shake
    u see in his eyes that hes a fake

    17 years ago
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  • N there she was standing on the side the road
    and when he got to her, he saw her fly was ripped....
    she grabbed hold of him
    n looked him in the eye and said
    "i thought u said i could trust him"

    17 years ago
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  • Im lying to myself
    i dont believe a word
    i heard all these twisted truths
    from an itty bitty bird
    im lying to myself
    because its easier than believing
    that every look and word from u
    was shit and ure deceiving

    17 years ago
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  • If u had things how u wanted them
    ud be glued to his bones
    nailed to his heart

    17 years ago
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  • Ill forgive u
    for killing me
    so softly...

    i wont hate u
    for leaving me
    so alone

    yet the tears still fall...
    and i wana end it all
    im waiting for ure call...
    im waiting for u 2 catch my fall

    17 years ago
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  • Its all the ways u made my life turn
    its all the ways u made the tears burn
    its all the ways u turned so cold
    its all the ways ill love u till im old...

    17 years ago
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  • Nobody said it was going to be easy
    cos reds my colour now
    u tore apart my feelings...
    and now i hope u burn in hell

    17 years ago
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  • Im building bridges
    and ure just burning them down
    you treat me like im NOTHING
    but i still want u around

    17 years ago
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