Quotes by b r i d g e t

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  • Today was the second tiome ive seen my father cryin my life...
    1st time was wen i was in hospital u beside my side...
    2day u cried cos u said u acted the way u did cos u didnt wanna lose her....
    well 2 bad dad cos now uve lost ure daughter!!!

    17 years ago
    0 0
  • So her hairs out....
    n her legs are bare...
    not sober...
    no dignitys spared...
    going from 1 room to another
    from 1 guy to the next...
    tommorow shell wake up hungover...
    u made her this wreck

    17 years ago
    0 0
  • Dont worry that u broke my heart
    dont worry that u trigered these crimson lines....
    so dont u worry...
    im completely F U C K I N G fine....

    17 years ago
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  • The car windows are steamed
    the seatblets digging into my neck...
    n ure all over me...
    this is so wrong...
    this shouldnt be happening!!!

    17 years ago
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  • Last night i had my first dream bout u...
    we were under a raincoat in the back row of the movies...
    ure new gf was behind us...
    but she couldnt see us
    couldnt cu kissing me....
    over and over....
    i woke up feeling like sh**t
    cos it wasnt real...

    17 years ago
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  • U become so dependant...
    on the taste...
    of the feel....
    of the kiss...
    u need it to feel alive
    without it ure just a shadow passing through...
    thats why i need u

    17 years ago
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  • Ive bit my lip for the lastr time
    so sick of holding back my childish crimes...
    my sleeves will fill up with my blood i bled for u...
    and while im lying there blue...
    there will be nothing u can do

    17 years ago
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  • With unsober intentions
    and painful regret
    ill take sum pills
    ill slicemy wrist
    ill ring u and shamelessly
    cry and cry...
    and while ure listening
    there on the ph ill die

    17 years ago
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  • The pains still there
    its etched into my flesh
    n its there in my vacant eyes
    u can see the hurt
    my haunting past
    memories i dont wana have...

    17 years ago
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  • I'll whinge how much it hurts
    and cut...
    cos its all i know to do
    when my lifes to f**cked
    and i cant follow through

    17 years ago
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