Quotes by b r i d g e t

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  • Ive lost my way
    ive lost my humour
    n everything that gave me character is gone
    left behind are missed memories
    long soaks in the baths
    testing my nerve
    praying it'll work...

    17 years ago
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  • Love is an emotion that causes blindness to a persons flaws...
    love nearly killed me

    17 years ago
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  • Look what u did man
    u made her cry...

    what and u dont think u ever did
    she cried for 8 hours straight after u dumped her

    yeah but i couldnt see it...

    **a true convo with my ex n his m8

    17 years ago
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  • Sun burnt skin
    and the smell of u

    17 years ago
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  • Nothing spells out ure grief like crimson lines on thighs

    17 years ago
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  • Theres words n smiles
    that hang so fake
    theres love thats fabricated
    she just gives n he takes
    one thing fused with another
    a sum to ruin this girl
    and nothing spells out i wanna die
    like blood n a bullets shell

    17 years ago
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  • Theres rumours and theres truths
    theres b**tch fights
    in takeaway booths
    theres mouthing theres blood
    theres heart break
    n theres love
    theres skankiness
    n theres confidence
    theres attention seekers
    and then theres girls who just wanna dance..

    17 years ago
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  • Would they freak out if i showed them my cuts...
    or would they just concider me
    as another f**cked up
    little s l u t

    17 years ago
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  • Theres a girl here
    who never says a word
    she looks on with tortured eyes
    she knows watits like to hurt

    17 years ago
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  • I over analyse everything
    i have bitten nails
    n split ends in my hair
    im not perfect
    n for f**ck sake
    i dont want to be perfect
    i want people to know im not perfect
    but love me all the same

    17 years ago
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