Every beginning has an end but really every end is just a new beginning. |
Guys are like a candle once the flame is out its not gone for ever. |
Loving someone is had but saying good bye is even harder |
If u never liked me why couldnt you just say that and not have lied about it |
You lied you never really liked me... but thats really all our relationship was built on lies... |
We've known eachother for so long.... maybe that why u dont notice me or see how much im in love with you |
Theres always that one guy you would do anything to get away from then there always that one guy you'd do anything to be with forever |
The 4 worst words in the english dictionary... we need to talk |
Boyfriends will come and go but your friends.... will ALWAYS be there |
Ten years doesnt seem that long until you have to say goodbye.... |