Every beginning has an end but really every end is just a new beginning. |
He gAve her 12 roses. one wAs fAke. he sAid when the lAst one dies thAt's when i'll stop loving you |
D A y b y d A y nothing seems to chAnge but eventuAlly you look bAck...And everything is |
My DREAM is heAring rocks thrown At my window and seeing you stAnding in the rAin... |
Obsticles Are put in Are wAy to see if we reAlly wAnt something...or if we just thought we did |
She spends tOO much time thinking of the things thAt will |
I need thAt guy who can mAke me lAugh just by the wAy he sAys hello when I pick up the phone...the guy who mAkes my hAnds shAke when I'm sitting next to him...And the guy who isn't AfrAid to keep hugging me when I'm not reAdy to let go yet. |
Sometimes u just gottA run AwAy 2 c who will run After you you gottA tAlk quieter 2 c who listens you gottA step up in A fight 2 c whos stAnding by your side you gottA mAke A wrong decision only 2 c whos there to help you fix it |