The darkness comes upon the brink
The stars have found their glow...
They say that love can fill an ocean
sail a ship across the sea...
I hear the car door, then I hear her leave
There's no one in the house, Except lil ole me...
A darkness drifts inside my soul
Into my heart it breathes then dies...
Lay not a flower on my grave
For the petals of the blooms will fall...
If you should go to the zoo on Callivary Square
You'll find an odd assortment of wild life living...
Upon the crest of autumn leaves
As cold rains wet the earth...
With your hand upon the pane,
You wipe the tears away...
Sit here among the thorns of change
No time inside the soul to cling...
As the bottle tips from lifeless fingers
The darkness pits against the wall...
Go forth ye soldiers, who sunshine craves
Upon the land strip mother earth...
I was spending the night with my sister Lou
A wedding to go to the very next day...