'Neath the glitter and glamour of autumn's mystic...
stood a crowd of crooners, eyeing the majestic...
The weatherman said, today's going to be
one-eighty degrees and sunny...
There's something nostalgic about
dimly-lit roads and faded footpaths...
There were days when my hands were cuffed,
for fear they would succumb to the mockery...
No mountain that's high
and space, impenetrable...
There's a tweak in the air,
each time slumber...
There are things that even time
cannot mend; seasons, that cannot be...
Crystal balls
tarot cards...
hundreds of dancers...
At times, I wish, my thoughts could travel
like a twirling coiled rope of wind...
[Twenty twelve at two o'clock in the morning]
December has come, yet again...
He is the epitome
of rich tradition...