Quotes by Laura Ash

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  • Girls fighting over guys. Guys fighting over girls. Think about it. What if that person doesn't love you back? Your fighting for nothing.

    19 years ago
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  • You say I'm crazy to cut.
    That it makes me weak.
    How do you know I cut because I'm being driven crazy?
    How do you know the scars don't make me stronger?

    19 years ago
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  • Before I die here's what I'll say
    The pain will finally end today
    No one cares
    Why should I?
    So just kill me now and let me die

    ^From my poem "Kill me now"

    19 years ago
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  • Love won't come near me because hate is surrounding me

    19 years ago
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  • Like. 4 letter word. Definition? Hate. Pain. Hurt. Liar. Tear. Fear. Scar. Dark.
    Love. 4 letter word. Definition? True. Fate. Glad. Cute. Life.

    19 years ago
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  • It's funny how the same people who say they hate drama are the ones that start it.

    19 years ago
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  • Why do we try so hard to get someone's attention so they can break your heart
    When there's someone out there trying so hard to get your attention so they can heal your heart.

    19 years ago
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  • I love you 24 hours a day
    You love me 24 hours a year.
    I think about you 24 hours a day.
    You think about me 24 hours a year.
    I miss you 24 hours a day.
    You miss me 24 hours a year.
    Those 24 hours
    Are worth every year

    19 years ago
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  • Anyone can say "I love you"
    But it takes someone perfect to actually mean it.

    19 years ago
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