Quotes by nadsyy

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  • Have you ever felt so low bcoz of the guy u love?
    u hate him but then u love him even though he put u thru hell
    why is it lyk this?

    18 years ago
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  • I want to jump of a bridge n die...n gue wat...gues whose gone b dwn there???
    no1 wil be at the bottom to catch me coz it wil jst b ma dead body!!

    18 years ago
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  • You all think i'm fine behind this smile
    BUT IM NOT!!!!
    you all think i have the perfect life
    I DON'T!!!

    19 years ago
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  • BEHIND my smile lies a girl you never knew.....

    19 years ago
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    19 years ago
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  • Your the person who keeps me going
    not wanting to end my life...
    bcoz of u im still alive!!!!

    19 years ago
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  • Can anyone hear my scream..???
    i didn't think so.....

    19 years ago
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  • I was on a clift....
    ready to jump
    you were there, saying how sorry you were and holding me back
    but really sorry doesn't do it all
    goodbye world

    19 years ago
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  • Question to God
    why do innocent people get hurt?
    Why do innocent people die?
    Why do familys have to fight?
    Why do you let someone suffer of
    depression?, rape,

    Why do you let these things happen God?

    19 years ago
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  • Y is it always ther person u trust most end up hurting u? the most?

    18 years ago
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