Here were we live is much different from there...
Concrete jungle is not everywhere as your great...
The only time when I did love was long back.
I was young and she was also young and innocent...
I was once a great lover in these sweet streets.
With my love we enjoyed all the pleasure...
I will always be you secret admire
Even though I want so much to be your lover...
Why make cry
No matter how hard I try...
Oh come again you gentle darkness
Come, the only quite time in my life...
To write everything down, for next generations to...
To develop a skill, which makes it livelier to...
Never criticize the sonnet because you don't see,
Or feel it's rhythm and it's rhyme...
Oh Empress Devine now I am chasing wind
But, Oh, I once loved pure...
My dear, so far, far away
Far from my sight far from my heart...
She is a flower, a lily , a rose
She is beautiful, kind and intelligent...
It is so good when its in the night because...
However the night is not so gentle as you see it...