"There is only one person that can sustain the missing piece in your heart, the only way you can find it is by trusting your heart." |
"Why look anywhere, if your true love is infront of you....." |
"I've been looking for you through my whole life. Now that you are here, you redirect my life into an everlastig peace and LOVE." |
"It's just been a couple months that I've known you, but you captured my heart and showed me the meaning an everlasting LOVE. What else can i ask for, you MEAN MORE THAN MY LIFE AND THE WORLD." |
"The only thing that can separate me from loving you, is death because your the lady that ever wanted." |
"You look down on me thinking redundant things, but what you found is a real me and an enlightenment that shows how a girl should be treated." |
"I was invinsible, but now that I met you I'm famous for your love and you gave me another life that releases my stress and my past human being." |
"There is only one meaning of LOVE for me and that is ~Tina and Erick~." |
"People needs love, but I don't need one because I already found it; since 02.14.06 and it's very memorable for ME. As long as we are together, the best for us will come and I wll cheerish it for the rest of my life." |
"You are the keeper of my dreams |