You are gone now
Never to be seen again...
We used to be best friends...
I don't know what happened...
Our Lady of Liberty
Shed her tears...
What was it like?
Getting on a plane...
They got lost
I should be thankful...
Couple days after Christmas
everyone on their holiday break...
I am sitting here
the lights dim down...
Mom, its was the party of the year I had to go to...
You told me not to drink so I had a few lemonades...
It's all a lie
a plain white lie...
Life started becoming oh so fake.
When I took that razor to my plain white looking...
Spinning in a whirl-wind of fear, hope and truth.
I close my eyes and hope I'll get through...
I had a crush on you but you just broke my heart...
I cried all night long and cried myself to...