"Many young queens had their life spared by...
"Hives thinking can be futile for bees making...
Living among the undead
Conversations go unsaid...
She showed me a full moon.
And I was totally impressed...
"So, how did you wind up in Wonderland...
"Lost my alcohol license serving minors...
The jungle has changed.
The names rearranged...
She lives on a back road.
Croaks like a horny toad...
He tried so hard to get in touch with his feminine...
But was young and just had too much masculine...
Whats in a word
and how is a word empowered...
Was so alone
and afraid then...
"I will right black" said Alice to the...
Stuck the feather in her hair; Said...
"So did you have a good time talking to my...
"Oh, Dorothy, I am starting this like this...
"Wonder which paths our imaginations...
"I was just glad the looking glass didn't...