Dear Sweetheart,
Sometimes I think I know you and this love seems...
Baby Honey is a girl but a woman, too.
She is confused sometimes what to do...
The Gods must be crazy.
Their are at it, again...
What good was our wall of silence
When it too could promote violence...
When I think of the void of you
And the things we went through...
Hell was addictive.
I craved it so much...
Dear Tormentor, I wanted to write you a letter.
And I might just do it but when I feel better...
Was so scared when you pushed me out of the nest.
Had never flown before but mother you knew best...
I am crushing again.
You're still my friend...
I am adjusting to the madness very well.
This place doesn't even look like hell...
I sat with my queen's hand on mine.
Her throne was to the right kind...
Its all about forgiveness
Because if was up to me...