Poems by RainbowSlider

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  • Today (1)

    Today, I let the sunlight in and it didn't hurt so...
    Today, I found I had more friends than I thought I...

  • Then I reached for a straw but grabbed a ship.
    With each careful step I didn't have to trip...

  • The old nurse asked for lotion on her skin.
    Shes ninety-five years old and still rolling...

  • You don't have to die.
    You can live for me...

  • With words you said that you loved me.
    I tried to touch but my arms were empty...

  • All the pages seemed to be empty
    The first time I came to recovery...

  • How could I know
    That you could touch my soul...

  • You looked at the pictures as if they were broken.
    Those words of love that were never really spoken...

  • When I was a monster I felt no pain.
    Everything I did was for personal gain...

  • I will deal with the past and become a new person.
    I will try to right the wrongs or at least in my...

  • Once upon a time in a far away land
    The Godfather tried to lend a hand...

  • I don't really know where to start.
    Some how you pimped my heart...