I like being round but some think I look better...
Squirrels don't think I look fat but just glad I...
You have taught me more in your blind vision.
Than in a lifetime I could ever could have...
Only with thine eyes will you see the reward of...
But do you really think it will be as you first...
Sometimes its a mountain.
But other times just a hill...
Lost in you but found in me.
I have never felt love so free...
Welcome to my beautiful Andromeda.
Where all the natives are so restless...
A child of a lesser God talks to me.
He isn't discouraged with mediocrity...
I loved to go through the portals.
Even though I was a mere mortal...
Like an angel with an upraised sword.
Paraded around our flaws like a bag...
Before the gods there was just me and you.
We were so young and didn't have a clue...
Aye, my great Sahib.
I am just a dweeb...
We were just mere human mortals.
Though we found many portals...