An emptiness so full of itself beyond belief.
A void so ominous without firmament relief...
You touched my broken heart and I began to heal.
You touched my broken spirit and I began to feel...
I could love you from afar.
I could blow you a big kiss...
Such a sweet smile you share.
But you are not really there...
I am a open book of magic most sour.
I am the tome of shadows you scour...
The darkness was a blanket of endless night.
Then came that first spark we call the light...
Mightily you stand in my yard so free and tall.
I can't get my arms all the way around you at all...
I look at our picture and see us smile.
We had our life and it lasted a while...
Oh, my precious little G.U.I.
I love the way you do me...
That one can be felt human and not a mere rock.
To be part of nature not a machine with a clock...
With eyes of love you look right through me.
When you hold my hand; It thrills my soul...
I walked alone and I was happy with that.
I didn't need anybody for a matter of fact...