The invisible root was hard to detect.
Gaea's anger was a strawberry vine...
Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your hair.
I got t-bones steaks and ice cold beer...
Do you want to play a game?
Warrior come out and play...
Life is day.
Life is night...
I am just mad about hats.
How about you, Alice...
Spiritual love so deep in my marrow.
A feeling of lightness like a sparrow...
Tis the season to be Molly.
Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la...
"Hang in there, buddy; We are right behind...
I was the pale rider.
She rode a rose mare...
Run little spider; I will get you, yet.
I know my threads; On that you can bet...
Gaea was a sea of lava flowing.
Gaea became as ice knowing...
I dreamed of love in the form of a woman.
It was a nice dream; I dream it still...