A rock hurls through space like a rolling stone.
The rock hits other rocks making small stones...
Your love became so special.
I put you on a pedestal...
Dear Collection Agency,
It has come to my attention...
The alarm clock didn't go off
and I was in such a panic...
Your tears cried for me and washed my soul.
I cried for you and was made whole...
Following the salt truck home
I thought about our time together...
I had this thought that was so huge
that there was no way I could think of it alone...
You ruled my heart like no other
being a good wife and a mother...
My life was total chaos
and nothing made sense...
We search for friendship and we search for love
in our daily life of troubles and toils...
Hell bent for leather galloping through the stormy...
angels on horseback charge past the demons spurred...
Remember when I was a baby
and you would throw me in the air...