Mea Culpa be with me.
Mea Culpa set me free...
From a life of twisted slumber
in a star system of Draco...
I really thought the curlers were unnecessary as...
It made me think though that the snakes had gotten...
Meet me at the heart, again.
You were my dear friend...
There we are as one
chosen by each other...
My mind to your mind...
We were just mere human mortals.
Though we found many portals...
Tis the season to be Molly.
Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la...
Not yet my love but maybe soon.
We will gather at the new moon...
Do you want to play a game?
Warrior come out and play...
Confederate wildcats crawling in mud.
Sons of liberty opposing the union...
Many ways you are greater than me.
Some of the ways I have yet to see...