My little dog
means so much to me...
At the end of Battlefield and Fame
Was a man called - what his name...
I am a open book of magic most sour.
I am the tome of shadows you scour...
May love rain in showers
and permeate your being...
I like the little swings.
The roller coasters are scary...
Fifteen side to my round robin.
Yet, my heart is still throbbing...
Walking in the night
under a September sky...
Dark side of the moon comes around.
But in its shadow little foxes are found...
Shes a dancer and such a ten.
Shes not perfect but a friend...
It was so sweet.
Vertexes we meet...
Wanting but not willing.
Haunting but not chilling...
You are my obsession.
I want to see you, again...