After Pinocchio talked to the girl
She told him how she became a squirrel...
If he calls it love will it go away?
Will he take me for granted and stay...
Play misty for me my velvet tease.
Go to her with my touch on lease...
Master Po you are so wise
where did you get such knowledge...
Master Po you have taught me to touch.
The rice paper I thought was too much...
You said that you liked our friendship.
I hear what you are saying...
The was an old lady who lived in a shoe.
She had so many children she didn't know what to...
I watched your birth.
You were very much wanted...
How could I not love you?
You are so beautiful to me...
In the beginning was the greedy
and the greed corrupted beauty...
The darkness was a blanket of endless night.
Then came that first spark we call the light...
If you love something throw it away.
Was a boomerang on a summer's day...