Love that does not
know when to quit...
The first time I welcomed you to hell.
As I remember you didn't take it well...
I didn't think you could change me but you did.
With each word and line it became you instead...
At last I have found my rain
and I feel so free...
One's journey can lead to a crossroad.
Walking ahead we can see a signpost...
Once there was a magical kingdom
and the King was on his throne...
I first saw Mellow when I was a young child.
It was a ragged doll and her hair was so wild...
I can feel the need like you.
Helping is a little thing I do...
Strolling through the shadows I pondered.
Upon many things my mind wondered...
I know you are there
and I can sense you...
I tried to avoid you because I didn't want to feel...
I fell victim to my happiness knowing that I'd see...
When I remember love and how it felt.
Like a game of cards; A hand was dealt...