You will always know how to be nice,
Smile at me without thinking twice...
Purple is the bruise of my heart,
Purple is so powerful, and oh so smart...
Glassy droplets fall on my windowsill,
I climb out, there is a sudden chill...
As I stare into this photograph,
Tears of pain, burn my cheeks...
Bunnies hopping, birds singing,
From the fields comes a new beginning...
Out of this battle-torn world,
Ruined bit of land...
Because of you..
This smile will not disappear...
You must be careful
Of what you say and do...
That night was no dream,
He had gone to heaven...
Life is so unpredictable,
Love is even more...
Its raining now, but I don't care,
Cause the sun will still rise tomorrow...
We have tried so hard,
To make this work...