She tries so hard and no one sees,
Sees the perfect person she tries to be...
When I think about what we used to be,
I cry and cry in spite of me...
Crimson tears escape my eyes,
Cannot believe I fell for your lies...
We planted a seed,
Ignoring how much it would need...
Oh no, you've done it again,
Congratulations, you've pulled me in...
A new life, a new canvas, a brand new start,
Life is seen by me as a peice of art...
These men in my life put me through hell,
They got me in a trance, in a horrible spell...
Everyone says shes got it all,
Everyone says she's a perfect little doll...
I was thinking and noticed the other day,
We complain about everything in life in every way...
I mis those family-fun-days,
Sitting in the grass beneath blazing sun rays...
I told myself never again,
Yet here I am holding this pen...
No, I'm not fine, thank you.
I'm way beyond help, I'm way beyond rescue...