Poem: I Cry In Thoughts
26th October, 2015.
By Poetic Nation Sisters...
29th December, 2011.
Lush sprouts lie vastly on the earth...
9:11 a.m
21st March, 2019...
22nd October, 2017.
Hasn't it been long for you...
30th March, 2011.
She dwells below the creek...
17th February 2011...
Flee from expunged heart...
3rd June, 2017. 10:20 p.m
Our souls recognize one another...
14th October, 2016.
Ever heard the melody from nature...
Sitting on the sofa in the attic...
28th October, 2015.
Emotions sizzle...
25th September, 2012.
Lush pain deafened my thoughts...