Princess Love

About Princess Love

When love is truly right... it lives from year to year... it changes as it goes, and on the way it grows... but it never disappears!

Profile of Princess Love

  • Age : 38
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : USA, New York
  • Joined : Oct 14, 2005
  • Last Visit : 4 years ago
  • Poems : 36
  • Comments : 521
  • Quotes : 4
  • Posts : 0
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Princess Love

  • When the snow melts and the birds begin their song
    when the summer warmth fills my heart...

  • I see your face when I close my eyes
    In the sound of the wind i still hear your voice...

  • Deep within my soul, It's your love that I adore
    to have and to hold, like the waves need the shore...

  • I guess I forgot how much I felt for you
    Its been ages since we have last seen...

  • I wished on a star with all of my might
    And there you stood out like a diamond so bright...

Latest Quotes By Princess Love

  • You keep your faith when it’s hard to believe .. You choose to stay when it’s easy to leave .. And when hope is gone
    you’re the one who keeps holding on
    That’s what love is!

    18 years ago
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  • Love will only break your heart, it's a fact. And even though I warn you, even though I guarantee you that it will only hurt you terribly, you'll still pursue it. Isnt love grand?

    18 years ago
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  • I thought no matter what love would always be enough... But I guess it never was, even an unconditional love.

    (from my poem Unconditional Love)

    18 years ago
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