I miss the way you kissed me |
YoU cAn CoUnT... ThE sCaRs On My ArMs AnD sEe HoW mAnY tImEs YoU hUrT mE!!! |
I cAnT mAkE iT oN mY oWn............ So CuT mY wRiSt AnD bLaCk My EyEs................ |
GeT tHe FuK oUt Of My FaCe!!!! |
My HaNdS aRe At YoUr ThRoAt AnD i ThInK i HaTe YoU!!!! |
EvErYoNe Is LiViNg To DiE aNd DyInG tO lIvE!!!!! |
I sMoKe, DrInK, aNd GeT HiGh..BuT i DoN't CaRe If I dIe So LiGhT iT uP aNd ReFiL mY cUp!!!! |
How could this be true.... Why do I take all of my anger out on you??? |
Your chasing a dime and losing a treasure!!!!!!! |
Why try to suceed in life if in the end you are just going to lose it all??? |